Saturday, August 18, 2012



When we were signing up for the summer hosting program, we needed to have 10 people who would agree to be our prayer partners.  Those people/families prayed for us during the summer and got updates from the program as a whole.  The hosting agency continued to send out emails regarding the program in order to keep people informed and to recruit families for future hosting sessions.

   One of our prayer partners was a sweet friend who has always been my main mentor in home schooling ventures!!  I have been rejuvenated countless times by the home school moms' prayer group that meets at her home monthly.  Their family prayed us through last summer and the entire adoption process for Jonathan. 

   Late this past spring, I got a note from her, saying that God was moving in their hearts in a surprising way.  They were planning to host a 15 year old girl, and would continue on toward adoption if God continued to open the doors before them. 

   Their summer was busy and blessed.  They are moving forward with adoption paperwork.  It's SO incredible to see God at work!!!

    When we were planning for our summer of 2011, we "threw our rock in the pond," so to speak.  I prayed that God would allow us to advocate for Ally Kate, and that He would provide a family for her.  That's honestly as far as my vision went.  However, He did that and more....  He let it be a family close by that allows us to continue to have a big part of her life!!!  It was a double blessing for us!!!

   Then, He went even further -- the ripples caused by the rock started to spread across the pond to places I didn't dream of.  He is most certainly ABLE to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or imagine.  He used an email that was sent to our friends highlighting children in the ophanages that were longing for a family.  He chose to use those connections to bring about ONE MORE child who will be loved, treasured, and taught about Him!!

     Never for a second do we take credit for any of it.  It's all God's amazing plan that HE is simply unfolding before our eyes....  His love for the fatherless.  We just get to watch it in action..... and be blessed when we see the ripples spreading out and more coming behind them.

  I know that some of you that read this blog do not plan to adopt.  But, please realize that when we hosted Ally Kate, we did not intend to adopt her, either..... and we didn't!  But, the Lord used it in ways that continue to affect more lives.  Please don't say, "I could never do that!!"  He might not be asking you to adopt.... He might just be wanting you to step toward the pond and toss in a rock.

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