It was warming up and we were excited about putting the garden in.
The cow in the background is a new family member. We have 2 cows (one of which now has a baby, and the other will soon). Millie and Charlotte will supply us with some freezer beef!! However, if we're too attached to the calves, we might have to do some trading.... the kids might stage a rebellion if I tried to put their pet on the supper table!! :)
One day the older kids had a camp out in the back pasture with some friends. This is an annual tradition, and they had so much fun!!
The kids used a huge rope to make a rope swing. The old oak tree was perfect for it.
The younger kids wanted a picnic, but I'd made a regular main meal, so they just took it to the back porch!!
True relaxation!! Anna was taking it easy in the hammock outside my parents' house.
Another garden picture --- Dan and Jonathan are getting tomato cages ready.
Another of the highlights for the older girls was when old friends from back in Mongolia days came to visit. All these girls had not seen each other for years, but they picked back up like it was just yesterday.... so fun to watch them have so much fun!!
Before they left, they took this picture of the kids and me. This is the perfect picture for showing current heights (for those of you who haven't seen us in awhile). Rachel has passed us all up, but Justin is going to have us all beat before we can blink!!
Since this was taken in March, the ages of the kids were: Rachel -13, Anna - 16, Justin - 10, Sarah -14, Leslie - 6 and Jonathan - 9. April started our birthday season, and now they've all added a number to their years!!!
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