Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday Morning

Today was another answer to prayer.  We got to visit Teodor’s school and set up English lessons for him with the English teacher there.  It all worked out SO well!  Praise the Lord!  I had not wanted to take time away from him to go to the neighboring village where his school is, so I was really hoping that they would let him go with us, but that wasn’t possible.  We stopped by the orphanage and picked up the orphanage director, and she gave us directions as Marti drove.  My first impression of the school was NOT a good one, but thankfully it got better.  We were waiting at a gate for someone with a key to come and let us drive through, and Dan and I were watching what all was going on in the school yard.  It was very chaotic, and I couldn’t see one adult anywhere around.  There were boys Teodor’s size (and they did end up being in his class) who were fighting, and kids of all ages just roaming around.  Finally it occurred to me to look at the time, and sure enough, it was recess time.  By the time we got into the “compound” and the director had gone for a teacher, the kids were heading back to class.  I was relieved.  The school director and the English teacher came out to meet with us.  Both of them were VERY nice.  That relieved me a little more.  We discussed what exactly we would want her to teach Teodor, and she seemed to fully understand the importance of teaching him spoken phrases as opposed to grammar or written language.  We gave her lots of examples of phrases that we thought would be helpful, and she was definitely on the same page. 
   Then, they invited us into the school.  We took a good many pictures, and were even able to go into his classroom and meet his teacher and classmates.  The teacher had actually told the class that we were adopting Teodor!!  The orphanage director had called to explain why he wouldn’t be in class all week, and the teacher had told everyone!  His teacher is a man who seemed very nice.  The only reservation that I had by this time was that they showed us his desk, and he sits in the back of the classroom.  I know that there is no way that he can see the chalkboard.  But, school will be over in less than 2 months, and I really think that he learns more just by going over his homework with the caretakers at the orphanage.
   We were really ready to get back to see him.  And, he was ready to see us, too!  -- Who cares if it was just so that someone would play legos and ball with him!!  J  Before we played, though, the orphanage director and Toni talked with him about the adoption.  We had not wanted to do this before now, because we wanted to give him enough time to get to know us.  WE were sure about it ourselves, but we wanted him to be sure.  He said that, yes, he’d like to join our family…. Especially when it meant that he could ride on an airplane to get there!  Ha Ha!  I realize that he has almost NO concept of family… so I don’t expect him to be all that thrilled about having one.  He basically doesn’t know what that means.  Toni had told us that if kids are 10 years old or older, the court actually requires them to be present at the adoption case and state that they are choosing to be adopted.  Teodor isn’t that old, but it was still important to discuss all of this with him. 
   So, anyway, then we played some more.  We had brought along some Uno cards, and taught him and his friend how to play (without any of the cards like Reverse, Skip, etc. at first so that it was easier to understand.)  He caught on quickly.  Marti came in and played some with us, too.  His friend, couldn’t play as well, but he really enjoyed it.  When we were finished, they were so cute.  They asked if they could divide and share the cards, and keep them at the orphanage.  It makes me just want to go buy them things so that they can have more things that are just theirs!  But, of course, it’s not things that makes one truly happy.  And, naturally, we don’t want to come across as people who just give him a bunch of things--   whatever he wants!  That’s not real life.  So, this afternoon, we drew the line when he wanted to keep my camera!!  Ha Ha!!  (Actually, I’m borrowing Anna’s camera anyway!)  He suffered through my hug on the way out, and when we told him we’d be back in the afternoon, he said, “Well, don’t forget, or I’ll be waiting and waiting for you!!”  Don’t you think for a minute that this mom would forget you!!!

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